About Us

“What if your limited resources were no longer a barrier to reaching more people beyond the walls of your church?”

Picture this, because whether your church has 50 members or 50,000, I know you have all been in this same situation: You’re in the church office discussing the need for better training, lamenting about concerns such as a limited budget, and searching through lists of potential volunteers to determine who is qualified, available, and willing to train others.

We were there too.

Three essential resource needs emerged from this one meeting:

  1. The need for quality training materials (content) for a variety of purposes: from training volunteers to teaching new believers,
  2. The need to be good stewards of limited funds to leverage and stretch each dollar as far as possible,
  3. The need to have enough people: staff and volunteers, who are qualified and available to support all of these programs.

For us, God brought together an executive director, with a background in finance and running major corporations, and a concerned church member, with an educational doctorate and over 30 years of innovation in schools around the world. We asked God for direction and looked to our experience to find a solution.

What became evident as we sat and brainstormed was a possible solution, an online platform that would allow for a consistency in the message and a way of circumventing the obstacle of finding available leaders with the training and learning needs of volunteers and church members the central priority.

To find this platform, we brainstormed the needed features:

  1. It must be affordable.
  2. It must be user friendly for even those with limited technology backgrounds
  3. It must be social and capable of developing online community.
  4. It must be scalable and flexible to allow for the smallest to largest churches and ministries.

So, the journey began. We had not planned to spend two years in search of the solution, but God did determine our steps.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

We grew from a team of two to a team of four, adding a person involved in church ministry who directs the small groups and pastoral care of a mid-sized church with over thirty years of experience and adding a person whose knowledge of web technology, software and digital marketing has proven to be an invaluable resource. His wisdom and depth of understanding of God’s purpose on his life continually blesses us.

We searched, tried hundreds of platforms, negotiated with a few, and on the eve of signing an agreement, God gave a nudge to try one more, which truly fulfilled the complete criteria that we had initially established, except for one unknown detail: the price.

We requested a demo, did the sales dance, and asked the price… When we heard the numbers, we cried. We then thanked them for their time, and were determined to return to the contract we were going to sign and move on, although we could not be as satisfied, because we truly believe we are about God’s work and nothing less than excellence will serve His Kingdom.

Then, it happened. We received an email requesting a conference call with the president of the company. We shared our vision and purpose. We described the need. We articulated how this platform could serve so many. There was silence on the other side, a sense of understanding, and a response we did not expect. “We want to do this.”

Thus, Kingdom Knowledge was born. Our vision is to provide churches and ministries with the tools they need to fulfill The Great Commission with excellence.

How does it work?

Kingdom Knowledge leverages a modern Learning Management System that has been custom-built to serve the needs of the church. Each church and congregation is different which is why we offer the ability to customize built-in courses, to create your own courses, or to choose from a broad list of classes built by respected leaders across multiple areas of specialization.

For large churches looking for a platform to help continuously train your leaders and to manage small groups you'll appreciate Kingdom Knowledge's affordability, reporting abilities, organization, and features. If you're a small to medium size church Kingdom Knowledge will give you access to a wide range of training and small group topics and enable you to connect and grow your membership as you enrich the lives of your church members and leadership. As an individual, you sign up and take advantage of all that Kingdom Knowledge has built to help you grow your relationship with God and to lead and disciple others.